here's one of my favourite vintage things...a Polaroid camera, I'm lucky to have two and I wouldn't part with them for anything but I found myself on this dark dreary Sunday afternoon...with some empty boxes and some paint and here's what happened...
if you want to have a's how
you will need..2 x small boxes, one of them needs to be flat like a tablet box
also some masking tape, strong glue, paint, stickers, scissors, a milk bottle top, a mini cotton reel and if you have one a dymo label maker (if not you could just write the label)
start by opening up the flat box and attaching to the larger box with the masking tape to make a shape like this...
cover the whole thing in masking tape- this holds it together and gives a base for the paint...
paint it white and then when dry, paint the black parts on the front, sides and top...then paint the rainbow stripes down the centre front (I painted these and don't mind the wobbly lines but if you prefer neat then maybe you could use marker pens)
for the lens and buttons I painted the milk bottle cap and a mini cotton reel black, the green circle is a sticker and the viewer is a square of pixelated origami paper...I used the dymo for the labels. Glue them all on.
you can make your own polaroids too :) |
I think it would be pretty easy to make this with kids...they may need a bit of help with the painting but they could make them in all kinds of shapes and colours and you could whip up a collection of vintage cameras in no time...
I'd love to see if you have a go :)
back to school for us tomorrow so I will be back soon to share what I got up to in the holidays x x