by the Teawagon Boys
We thought it would be nice to give you some inspiration for the half term holidays.
So here are some of our ideas which were inspired by the Muppets film which we went to
see with our dad this weekend.
Here is how we made them
1. design your characters
2.collect bright coloured felt , pom poms and buttons , stuffing etc
3.cut out shapes ( body and head)
4. sew the felt together leaving a gap for stuffing on details such as eyes or hair
6.push stuffing deep in with rubber end of pencil(not to fat)
7. sew up the gap and finish the details like noses and buttons
all photos by #1 |
And viola! there you have your fun cute characters!!!
we thought we might put at least one boy like thing on here and
mum let us loose on her blog : )
we hope you enjoyed our holiday tutorial from the
Teawagon boys aged ten and nine
have a nice weekend