
Thursday, 11 December 2014

christmas pillowcase how-to...

christmas pillowcases freshly laundered and on the bed for christmas eve is a bit of a tradition in our house. They don't have to be festive but this year I fancied some little trees...I had the foam stamps and fabric paint from a previous project so I thought I would have a go at making my own. (I'm thinking gold paint would look great for the next ones)
This is super easy, no sewing required as I used bought white pillowcase which were cheaper than buying fabric.
You will need
  • 2 white cotton pillowcases
  • fabric paint in your chosen colours
  • festive foam stamp (you can make your own using craft foam or a potato)
  • paintbrush // plate or pallette for the paint
  • piece of cardboard 
  • iron
 Iron the pillowcases so they are nice and flat, place the cardboard inside the pillowcase so the paint doesn't leak through the fabric on to the other side. Paint the stamp with fabric paint and begin stamping, you can mark out the repeat pattern or just wing it (like I do)
If your stamp misses bits or doesn't look neat you can neaten the edges with your paintbrush. Repeat the print on the other side.
Allow to dry and iron the pattern to seal the paint so it is washable.

You could use fabric pens and draw on some designs...if you are making these with children you could get them to write a message to Santa or make them for birthdays or special occasions.
Have fun x x